Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lowongan di Bank Indonesia


BANK INDONESIA, membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional yang dinamis dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk mengisi posisi Pegawai Golongan II / Pengawas Bank Pertama (PBP) dengan persyaratan :

  1. WNI Laki-laki / Perempuan, maksimum 31 tahun pada tanggal 1 September 2006
  2. Pendidikan Formal D-3 Program Studi :
    a. Ekonomi Akuntansi
    b. Ekonomi Manajemen
  3. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan pengalaman bekerja pada Bank Umum atau BPR atau Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank (LKBB) minimum 2 (dua) tahun di bidang/jabatan Analis Kredit, Akunting atau Internal Audit
  4. Tidak memiliki hubungan suami/isteri dan atau saudara kandung yang bekerja di Bank Indonesia
  5. Menguasai program komputer (Microsoft Office)
  6. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
  7. Tidak sedang menjalani ikatan dinas
  8. Sehat secara fisik dan mental
  9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Kantor Bank Indonesia

Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kwalifikasi di atas, kirimkan Dokumen Lamaran (1 Surat Lamaran, 2 Daftar Riwayat Hidup, 3 Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai, 4 Surat Keterangan Pengalaman bekerja pada bidang relevan, 5 Pas Photo 4x6 sebanyak dua lembar dan 6 Surat Keterangan pengalaman pekerjaan pada butir 3). Lamaran disampaikan melalui pos mulai tanggal iklan ini dimuat sampai selambat-lambatnya tanggal 25 September 2006 (cap pos), ditujukan kepada:

PPM Assessment Center
PO BOX 1444
JKT 10014

Formulir data Riwayat hidup harus mencantumkan alamat surat, nomor telepon, nomor handphone serta alamat e-mail (kalau ada)

Cantumkan kota tempat Anda akan menjalankan test pada pojok kiri atas amplop, yaitu:
Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Makasar, Batam.

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil test.

Hasil seleksi Administrasi dan jadwal test akan diumumkan pada website LPPM (

Peserta yang mengikuti proses seleksi ini tidak akan dikenakan biaya apapun

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Various Vacant in PT. Palapa Telekomindo

Receptionist, Financial Planning & Business Analyst Staff at PT. Palapa Telekomindo


The telecommunication company is seeking people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :

Financial Planning & Business Analyst Staff
Qualification :
* Male/Female, min 22 years
* Bachelor Degree
* Basic Knowledge komputer.
* High Motivation, fast learner.
* Basic Salary 4.6 m /month.

Qualification :
* Degree / Diploma in any position
* Female
* Minimum 1 year experience
* Able to communicate and written English
* PC literate
* Attractive salary package
* Dynamic, High Drive, outgoing person, good communication & Interpersonal
* Basic Salary 3.5 m /month

Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV in English
with current & expected salary and recent photograph to :

HRD Manager
Jl. T.B Simatupang 11

Lowongan di PT Krakatau Steel & Group

PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) dan Grup BUMN yang bergerak di Bidang Manufaktur dan Jasa di Wilayah Kota Cilegon - Banten, mengundang Putra-Putri terbaik Bangsa untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan karir.


1.Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
2.Lulus Program Strata 1 dan Diploma 3
3.IPK minimum 2,7 (dua koma tujuh) dari skala 4
4.Umur maksimum 25 Tahun untuk D3 dan 28 Tahun S1 pada Juni 2006
5.Lulus Ujian Negara bagi lulusan PTS
6.Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
7.KTP yang masih berlaku dan kartu kuning dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja
8.Tidak sedang menjalani Ikatan Dinas pada Instansi lain
9.Pas photo 3x4, 2 lembar.
10.Bersedia ditempatkan pada PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) dan Grup (dengan surat
pernyataan,diatas materai Rp. 6000, dari pelamar)



S1 Teknik Industri 9 STI
S1 Manajemen Industri 1 SMI
S1 Teknik Metalurgi 6 STML
S1 Teknik Mesin 12 STM
S1 Teknik Elektro 6 STE
S1 Teknik Elektronika 7 STEL
S1 Teknik Lingkungan 3 STL
S1 Teknik Fisika 2 STF
S1 Teknik Kimia 2 STK
S1 Teknik Sipil 1 STS
S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi 12 SAK
S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 2 SEK
S1 Hukum Perdata/Bisnis 2 SHK
S1 Manaj Sistem Informasi 1 SSI
S2 Magister Profesi Psikologi 1 Mpsi
D3 Hiperkes 1 DHIP
D3 Mjn. Informatika 2 DMI
D3 Teknik Elektro 13 DTE
D3 Komputer Proses 1 DKP
D3 Teknik Elektronika 1 DTEL
D3 Kimia Murni 1 DKM
D3 Biologi 1 DB
D3 Tek.Mesin/Konserv Energi 11 DTM
D3 Tek. Fisika/Instrumen 5 DTF
D3 Teknik Lingkungan 1 DTL
D3 Analis Kimia 1 DAKM
D3 Teknik Sipil 2 DTS
D3 Teknik Industri 4 DTI
D3 Akuntansi 9 DAK
D3 Biologi 1 DBI
D3 Sekretaris 1 DSEK


1.Surat lamaran dan riwayat hidup ditulis tangan dengan melampirkan Foto copy ijazah terakhir/surat keterangan lulus yang sudah dilegalisir
2.Khusus untuk S2 Magister Psikologi Profesi agar disertakan foto copy Ijazah S1 Psikologi
3.Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran dicantumkan kode disiplin ilmu
4.Surat Lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 10 Agustus 2006 (stempel pos) kepada :

Sekretariat Tim Seleksi PT. Krakatau Steel & Grup
PO. BOX 1920 Bandung 40019 peserta yang ingin test di Cilegon
PO. BOX 1010 Bandung 40010 peserta yang ingin test di Bandung
PO. BOX 1416 Bandung 40014 peserta yang ingin test di Yogyakarta

5.Diluar daerah tersebut dapat memilih salah satu lokasi tujuan test rekrutmen.


1.Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti seleksi hanya yang memenuhi short
listing berdasarkan kandidat terbaik dan kelengkapan berkas lamaran sesuai
persyaratan administrasi butir A 1-10

2.Berkas lamaran harus dikirimkan ke alamat sesuai ketentuan butir C.4, lamaran ke alamat selain seperti butir C.4 tidak akan diproses, lamaran yang pernah ditujukan ke PTKS grup dinyatakan tidak berlaku dan harus mengikuti ketentuan C.4 diatas.

3.Proses seleksi terdiri dari: Seleksi Administrasi, Test Potensi Akademik,
Psikotest, Job Test (bidang ilmu) dan wawancara, Bahasa Inggris, dan Medical
Test dengan menggunakan sistem gugur, hanya peserta yang dinyatakan lulus yang akan diikutsertakan dalam tahap berikutnya.

4.Keputusan seleksi bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

5.Pelaksanaan Proses Seleksi:

Di Cilegon, dilaksanakan di Fakultas Teknik - UNTIRTA Jl. Jendral Sudirman KM.03 Cilegon 42435 tanggal 22 Agustus - 27 Agustus 2006

Di Bandung dilaksanakan di Sekolah Teknik Elektro & Informatika - ITB Jl.
Ganesha No.10 Bandung tanggal 29 Agustus - 3 September 2006

Di Yogyakarta, dilaksanakan di Fakultas Teknik - UGM Jl. Grafika No. 2
Yogyakarta tanggal 5 September - 10 September 2006

6.Peserta hanya diperkenankan memilih satu kota sebagai tempat untuk mengikuti proses seleksi.


1.Pelamar tidak perlu menyertakan dokumen lain selain yang disebutkan pada butir A dan lamaran yang sudah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.

2.Dalam proses seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

3.Pengumuman dan pemanggilan perserta yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi akan dipanggil melalui Pos atau bisa dilihat melalui Internet

4.Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.

TELEPON 022-2504486 FAX. 022-2504486

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Structural Engineer

PT TeamworX Indonesia is an Indonesian company owned and managed by a multi-national team of dedicated professionals. At TeamworX we pride ourselves on being able to promptly respond to our Client’s needs by providing professional services and support using appropriately experiences personnel.
  1. Preparation of Feasibility Studies,
  2. Design & Engineering
  3. Estimating
  4. Work Preparation Procurement
  5. Contract Administration
  6. Quality Control
  7. Project Management
  8. Construction Management
  9. Supervision
  10. Manufacturing of prefabricated unites
  11. Company Representation
  12. 3D Laser Survey

For further information, please visit our website at


  • Applicants must have at minimum 2 years experience in structural design.
  • Applicants must familiar in design for concrete & steel structure especially in industrial building.
  • Applicants must have knowledge and familiar with international codes such as ACI, AISC, British standard, Australian codes.and Indonesian codes as well.
  • Applicants must familiar with design program such as SAP, ETABs, Staad 3.
  • Applicants must possess at least a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. Ability to communicate and write in good English is required.
  • Applicants must be willing to work on project site outside Jakarta.

Suitable applicants please send your detailed resume to the following address or alternatively by email to :

PT TeamworX Indonesia
Beltway Office Park, Building C, Groundfloor
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 41, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan 12550
Phone : 021 7800940
Fax : 021 7892151

Pressure Vessel / Tank Inspector

Berikut lowongan di PT. Bonne Indo teknik dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Storange Tank Inspector

  1. S1 T. Mesin,
  2. Mempunyai Sertifikat DItjen Migas

2. Pressure Vessel

  1. S1 T. Mesin atau disiplin ilmu lainya
  2. Mempunyai Sertifikat Pressure Vessel Ditjen Migas

Bagi peminat harap mengirimkan aplikasi + CV via Pos ke alamat:

PT. Bonne IndoTeknik
UP. Bpk. Bambang Darmawan (Director)
Jl. Tulodong bawah A9, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12110

Vacant In Oil Company

Our company, an established supplier to the oil and gas sector in Indonesia, is growing along with our overseas partners' expansion plans in Indonesia. We now intend to fill the following position, which provide a competitive salary, full range of benefits, up-to-the minute training and the professional atmosphere that comes with working in an expatriate-managed company:


To assume day-to-day running of the technical aspects of the business. Must be S1 Petroleum Engineer or Geoscientist with broad petroleum industry background, excellent contacts and ten years industry experience.

Job Description includes:
  • Forms part of three-person management committee, reporting to the Director
  • Responsible for developing sales force selling consulting services and software
  • Responsible for preparing technical bids and proposals within tight deadlines
  • Responsible for maintaining links with overseas suppliers and partners
  • Requires fluent and confident English and experience of successful client liaison

Our software range is being developed and is set to include some big names in the upstream petroleum sector. You will be trained to market and provide first line support for a small number of industry-competitive software products.
  • Commission-based remuneration structure to maximise your earnings
  • S1 Petroleum Engineer or Geoscientist
  • Good IT skills with knowledge of upstream petroleum industry software
  • Outgoing and confident personality with excellent technicalcommunication skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English

We plan to build up our already extensive database of local oilindustry personnel and expatriate petroleum industry consultants inorder to service growing demand in the mining and upstream petroleumsectors.

The ideal candidate will:
  • Have S1 Degree in related discipline: technical, legal or commercial
  • Min 5 years in petroleum sector in HR, technical or commercial position
  • Possess good commercial understanding of fee, tax and salary structures
  • Understand employment law and its applications
  • Wide range of industry contacts
  • Excellent communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Candidates should address their applications with CV in English and write POSITION CODE to the following:
  • By POST to Miss Milawati, Office Manager, PT OPAC Barata Wisma Staco Lt7, Jalan Casablanca Kav 18, Jakarta 12870 (OR FAX 021-8379-5783)
  • By email to, in body of text, not as attachment. NO ATTACHMENT PLEASE!!!!
Closing date 15 May 2005

Mechanical engineer

A multinational oil and gas company required one Mechanical engineer, around 15 years experience on Turbines - compressors and its auxiliaries in Oil and Gas Industries, familiar with IT, input/output computer data entry.

Job :
input/output mechanical maintenance, Spare part and material datas entry into maintenance programs software.

Job location :
Balikpapan office, will be treated and follow staff /employee regulation. Will be 2 years contract period.

If you are interested, please send CV and terms and condition before May 4th. 2005. Estimated commencement date : August 2005.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their detail resume (CV) and indicate the position applied. Together with their academic and professional qualifications, career and works experience, indicating their current and expected salary, contact number and full style of mail address and email to as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Inspector for Coating Mill, Fiber Optic n Pressure Safety

We immediately require suitable candidates to fill the following positions:

1. Inspector for coating mill

  1. Minimum S1 in Engineering Discipline with a minimum 3 years experince in inspection of pipemil; or Diploma (D3) in engineering discpline with minimum 5 years experience in inspection ofpipemill (Onshore and Offhsore)
  2. Familiar with MIGAS requirements of certification
  3. Have a good knowledge of NACE, ASME, API, ANSI, DNV for offshore and other standars relating to pipeline (onshore and offshore)
  4. As minimum, shall have pipeline certification from MIGAS or other recognized training institution.
  5. Hold NACE Certification
  6. Good writen and spoken english

2. Inspector for Fiber Optic Cable


  1. Minimum S1 in Telecommunication Engineering or IT with a minimum 5 years experince in telecomunication system design, operation and maintenance with extensive involvement in Fiber Optic Cable technologi application
  2. Familiar with International standard for Fiber Optic Cable Testing as per IEC 794-1 or other international equivalent standard
  3. Have sufficient experince in conducting testing and commissioning of Fiber Optic Cable Installation project such as in PT Telkom, PT Indosat or other reputable telecomunication Services Company operating Fiber Optic cable network. Experience both in onshoreand offshore Fiber Optic cable Installation and operation is prefered
  4. Familiar with data and voice Communication Transformassion System utilizing FO cable media
  5. Good writen and spoken english

3.Pressuere safety valve inspection


  1. Minimum S1 in Engineering Discipline with a minimum 3 years experince in inspection of pipemil; or Diploma (D3) in engineering discpline with minimum 5 years experience in inspection ofpressure safety valve and technician for pressure safety valve testing
  2. Familiar with MIGAS requirements of certification
  3. Have a good knowledge of ASME sect VIII,TEMA, API, ANSI, and other standars relating to pressuer equipment
  4. As minimum, shall have SAFETY Valve certification
  5. Good writen and spoken english

Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, statingdetails of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/expected salary, and other documents support, current photograph, notlater than 2 weeks after this advertisement to


Safety Engineer Position

Currently we are looking for someone to fill the following position for our offshore site:

Safety Officer(Contract Basis)

To provide assistance to the Project Manager in the area of HSE and to achieve the safety objectives the project. The candidate must have knowledge on Safety Audit, Hazard Reporting, Incident and Injury Reporting, Incident and Injury Investigation, Job Safety Analysis, Emergency Response, Safety Inductions and Safety Meetings.

Requirements :
  1. Minimum 5 years experience in the same position from oil & gas project
  2. S1 Degree in Occupational Health Safety Environment or related study
  3. Willingly to work overtime to achieve the project target schedule4) Excellent written and oral English communication skills

If you feel you have the required qualifications and experience, please send your brief CV to : and visit our website on :


HR Recruitment PT Petrosea Tbk.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Senior Elect. & Instr. Designer (ID)

We immediately require suitable candidates to fill the following positions:

Senior Elect. & Instr. Designer (ID)

General Requirements:
  1. Min. Associate Degree majoring in Instrumentation/ Electrical
  2. Familiar with operating AUTOCAD
  3. Having experiences to work in field for doing mark up and as built drawings
  4. Min. 5 years working experiences related with Electrical and Instrument design drawings
  5. Computer Literate (MS Office, Visio, Internet, etc)
  6. Good English for both conversation & correspondent is a must
  7. Administration / communication / interpersonal skill
  8. Willing to be located in Jakarta and site
Responsibilities :
  1. Design, mark up and as-built drawing
  2. Report directly to Senior Engineers (Coordinator)
Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/ expected salary, and other documents support, current photograph, not later than 2 weeks after this advertisement to

Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama Pal. VII No. 31,
Jakarta 12210

Or email

Please state position code on the left side envelope or subject email

URGENTLY REQUIRED : Instrument Drafter (ID)

We immediately require suitable candidates to fill the following positions:

Instrument Drafter (ID)

General Requirements:

  1. Min. High School or equivalent
  2. Familiar with operating AUTOCAD
  3. Having Experience for 2 year working in office related with electrical and instrument drawings
  4. Computer Literate (MS Office, Visio, Internet, etc)
  5. Good English for both conversation & correspondent is a must
  6. 6. Administration / communication / interpersonal skill


  1. Electrical & Instrument drawings
  2. Report directly to Senior Designer

Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/ expected salary, and other documents support, current photograph, not later than 2 weeks after this advertisement to


Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama Pal. VII No. 31,
Jakarta 12210

Or email

Please state position code on the left side envelope or subject email

Secretary (Balikpapan) Urgent

We are Korean Coal Company located in Balikpapan are seeking a candidats forSecretary position with requirement as follows :

  1. Female
  2. Age between 23 - 27 years
  3. Secretarial Background
  4. Experience min 2 years in relevant position
  5. Good spoken and written English (for expatriate)
  6. Computer literate with Microsoft Office
  7. Proactive, high dedication, pleasent personality and have a goodPublic Relation capacity.
  8. Able to work under minimum supervision and hard worker
  9. Base in Balikpapan

Interested candidats are invited to send their detailed resume and recent photograph by email to:

Planner & Scheduller

We are looking for Planner & Scheduler Engineer, who has experience in Oil & Gas Project. This position will be proposed to work at Bula - Seram Island - Maluku. If you are interest please subimt your resume with recent photograph to:
  1. or

Thank for your interest.... waiting your apply...

Thanks to all off you...


Vacancy for Lead Electrical CAD Designer

PT. Ceria Worley, a group of WorleyParsons, is looking for an Lead Electrical CAD Designer with the following qualifications:
  1. Posses Diploma or Technical High School (STM) in electrical.
  2. Have appr. 15 years working experience in design for oil & gas projects (onshore and offshore). Experience in construction is an advantage.
  3. Strong design skills with good construction vision.
  4. Familiar with recognized international codes & standards such as ANSI, NEMA, NEC, API and IEC, IP (Institute of Petroleum), etc.
  5. Able to prepare electrical diagrams and layouts
  6. Able to prepare Material Take-Off for cables, trays, bulks, etc.
  7. Fluent in English, both oral and written.
  8. Able to operate MS applications (Word, Excel, Outlook). Ability to operate MS Excel is a must. Ability to operate PDMS is an advantage
  9. Able to lead and manage a team of designers and drafters.

Applicants shall submit their application letter and comprehensive resume by mail or e-mail not later than 6 May 2005 to:

HRD Manager

PT. Ceria Worley
Menara Batavia, Floor 12A
Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur kav. 126
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Attn. Mr. Berthy Rizkianto
(cc. to:

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

Monday, April 25, 2005


We immediately require suitable candidates to fill the following positions:Metering System Manager (MSM)

General Requirements :
  • Computer Literate (MS Office, Visio, Internet, etc) is a must
  • Good English for both conversation & correspondent is a must
  • Administration / communication / interpersonal skill
  • Willing to be located in Jakarta and site

Specific requirements ;

  • Education Min S1 Physics, Electrical or Mechanical (MSM)
  • Min. 5 years experience in oil & gas as Control System Engineer / Mechanical Engineer and also in Metering field (MSM)
  • Having experience in Metering field is an advantage.
  • Ability to make estimation for Project Metering (MSM)
  • Ability to make basic calculation for Metering, and for doing engineering / metering construction (MSM)

Responsibilities :

  1. Manage Metering Section
  2. To develop the personnel of Metering Section

Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/ expected salary, and other documents support, current photograph, not later than 2 weeks after this advertisement to :

Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama Pal. VII No. 31, Jakarta 12210
Or email

Please state position code on the left side envelope or subject email

HR & Admin Manager & Sales Executive

Dear Reader,

We are an established shipping company, the group member of Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA., Oslo, who provides shipping and transportation services to our customers.
We are seeking bright & highly motivated individuals to join us as:
HR, Administration Manager and Sales Executive.

If you are keen to build career with us, please send us your application letter to the below addresses latest on April 30th, 2005 to Senior Manager of Finance & Administration : and Accounting Manager :

Vacant Position as: HR & Administration Manager
Location: Date:
Jakarta 30.April.2005

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic employee. A person who through hard and dedicated work wants to take part in growing of and succeed with the company into the future, and who will be a major team player with thereto reward.

The Job/Main Responsibilities:
  • Assist the management of the company in managing Human Resources and Administration affairs to the highest standards of business practice in accordance with the company policies and practices as well as Indonesia legislation.
  • Ensure the implementation of Barwil Product Quality System of human resources and employee administration.

Experience & Expectations:

  • Minimum 5 years experience as Human Resources and Administration Manager in large corporations preferably in shipping industry with strong knowledge and skills.
  • Computer literacy and familiarity with MS Word, Email and MS Excel.
  • Hand-on approach and able to withstand large workload.
  • Fluency in English, both oral and written, as well as excellent interpersonal communication skills.
  • Professional with assertiveness.
  • Possess a high business acumen and strong business sense in handling human capital.

Vacant Position as : Two (2) SALES EXECUTIVE
Location: Closing Date:
Jakarta 30.April.2005

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic employee. A person who through hard and dedicated work wants to take part in the expansion of and succeed with the company into the future, and who will be a major team player with thereto reward.

The Job/Main Responsibilities:

  • Sales & marketing. Visit customers for Liner Principals such as CSAV / Norasia.
  • Generate business and build up a regular customer base.
  • Be active in the local market and provide Marketing Reports/Competitor Information.

Experience & Expectations:

  • Knowledge of documentary requirements and ability to handle/supervise.
  • Ability to interact with customers and good negotiating skills.
  • To act within regulations and guidelines from Head Office / Principals.

Job vacancies: 6 month contract RECEPTIONIST, JUNIOR CLERK

A US base oil and gas company is currently looking for contract staff for its Jakarta Office. The positions are based on 6 month-contract employment and to start in early May 2005.


The job includes:
  • Telephone operator & welcoming guest
  • Arrange daily courier/docs/packages dispatch
  • Reserve Meeting Room Driver order and check driver log book
  • Receive & Record Incoming Mails & Packages Keep and update: emergency contact list, Access Card List in hard & soft copy and software, Handphone list & its correspondence, Update office inventory record when required
  • Prepare DO, Working Permit for Contractor, Outgoing & Incoming Goods, Overnight Parking, AC&Toilet Over Time
  • Check & record petrol expenses of pool cars & motorbike
  • Prepare petty cash request of minor purchase
  • Check weekly purchase of kitchen supply and provide monthly report of kitchen inventory
  • Ensure the service of office maintenance contracts are delivered on time and well documented
  • Distribute & update stock status of promotional items
  • Record, Check, and Fax driver's time sheet Check mobile phone & house billing Request for PLN billing

The requirements:

  • Diploma 3 graduate with at least two years experience as a Receptionist, preferably in a mult inational company
  • good communication skills and fluent in spoken and written English
  • a team player with pleasant and mature personality
  • familiar in using PABX and computer literate, especially Word, Excel, Outlook
  • willing to work from Monday through Friday on rotational basis: 7AM to 4PM and 9AM to 6PM

Junior Clerk

The job includes:

  • Control the cleanness & tidyness of mail room
  • Stationary receipting through Maximo
  • Provide weekly and monthly report of stationary stock, purchase, usage, and balance
  • Provide weekly report of high consumpted stationers
  • Provide logbook for stationary receipts
  • Maintain stock of toner for printers, order toner for copier machines and paper cup
  • Provide weekly and monthly report of pantry supplies; equipment; & expenses
  • Extend parking subscription of office pool car & motorbike quarterly
  • Record all incoming faxes, receive and record mails/packages
  • Split the 'faktur pajak' from origina l invoice
  • Point of pick up for vendor's tax deduction slip.
  • Receive, record, and scan invoice
  • Do photocopying & binding documents

The requirements:

  • Diploma 3 graduate with at least two years experience as Junior Clerk, preferably in a mult inational company
  • good communication skills and fluent in spoken and written English computer literate, especially Word, Excel and Outlook
  • a team player who is able to work under minimum supervision
  • pleasant, honest and mature personality

Interested candidates could send the comprehensive CV (in English) attached with one recent photo by 26 April 2005 to:

Please quote "6-month contract Receptionist " or "6-month contract Junior Clerk" on the subject of your e mail


We are looking dynamic person to fill the position HSE Coordinator with the qualify :
- Exp. 1-3 years
- Background in Marine and Similiar (S1)
- Computer Ms Office.

If you meet that required pls sent yr ONLY CV to attn : Ms. Ida.

Only Short candidate will be process.

Engineers - Oil & Gas Services Co.

Our client, a fast growing multinational EPC Company primarily engaged inthe Oil & Gas Business, invites applications from people professionallyqualified Engineers and Designers who possess the necessary experience andskill, to join their Office in Indonesia to work on international scaleprojects in both ONSHORE and OFFSHORE areas. Our Client is one of the topfive EPC Companies in the World, the prospective candidates could lookforward to a very good future of growth and up gradation of their technicalskills.

Lead Engineers / Deputy Lead Engineers / Designers In Piping, Civil &Structural, Electrical And Instrumentation Design (M/F) / Based in Indonesia

Lead Engineers: Should have worked as a Lead Engineer in at least twoProjects each of 50,000 man-hours size. Should be able to guide and lead ateam, motivate team members and develop potential leaders.

Deputy Lead Engineers: Should have worked as a Deputy Lead Engineer in atleast one project of 30,000 man-hours size.

Designers: Should have independently handled at least three projects each of30,000 to 50,000 man-hours size.

The candidate should possess a first class degree for Engineers and a firstclass Diploma for Designers in the respective Engineering Discipline andhave experience in a reputed Engineering Consultancy Firm in the field ofOil & Gas, Offshore platforms, Refinery and Petrochemicals. Should have astrong conceptual base and perform independently detailed design activities.Thorough knowledge of International Codes and hands on experience in PDS isa must. In addition, hands on experience in relevant software like,MICROSTATION, CAESAR II, GTSTRUDL, STAAD PRO, SACS, INTOOLS, ETAP, &SMARTPLANT ELECTRICAL is required.

Interested applicants should submit a detailed resume quoting 'Engineers' in the subject of the email by 5 May 2005.